09 January 2007


Humans have really been confusing me lately. So here's one back at ya.


esillustration said...

they are confusing because they secretly eat raw meat while they're sleeping.

I WAS THERE WHEN YOU DREW THIS!!! (as well as most of your other posts)

Josy said...

Is she wearing a glove on her foot, or is she wearing a cat?

(P.S. Curlicues are nifty.)

Anthony Woodward said...

wow, I like your site and added it to my bloglines ;)
As for your question about the flood story it's ongoing if you check back tommorow there will be more panels ;)

Jeannetto said...

esillustration, for the last time, stop stalking me!

josy, I messed up on her other shoe, but despite that I kept on drawin'

anthony, thank you, you are now my new boyfriend

Barb said...

For some reason I can relate to that! Thanks for dropping by :)

Anastasia said...

this is great - wonderful detail!

ben c. said...

i hate drawing shoes. i'm really bad at it, and it just makes me really upset when i try to do it.

also, gotohell.org is a sweet title.

Unknown said...


Bill Z said...

Its definitely a cat on her foot, and she's wearing it to keep it from eating the fish.

furthermore, that chick is hot

esillustration said...

jeannette! i'm not stalking you!!! HAHAHA ok maybe a little!

you have so many boyfriends!

agdamus said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, can you help my,with design for card. A small sign of a womem. I wanted this for our tickets,for a show,can you do it for me ? Please