15 March 2007

4011 94053 4048 78 82103 14721

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Cash Register

Mostly I just waste my time looking at this.


Jazzy said...

That looks like a top notch machine.

Anonymous said...

what are those numbers

Jonathan said...

Jasmine just likes all the buttons. Back in New Brunswick they still use paper and pencil.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Nice work! Great style...

Anonymous said...

I love your sketchblog--and I'm an old lady. Awhile back you said "I'm no Mattias." He may be a drawing virtuoso, but you are funnier. I can see you doing New Yorker cartoons someday.

Chamki said...

I love your sketch blog!
I like your style. Inspiring! I drowned in books and tried to keep away from journalling.Now getting back to it is difficult.

Michelle Lana said...

Very cool~

pati said...

Know the feeling, J.

BTW, I looooooooooved ur latest illo on IFN!


Brine Blank said...

How many times do I have to tell you...don't post your bank account number...let people find it out legitimately...by sending you an email telling you that you are the closest surviving relative of a guy that died in a petroleum accident in Uganda and that they need your account to write a money order to you...Dewey, Cheatum , and How Esq.

Anonymous said...


Liz Jones said...

Ah, yessss.... don't we all. I like the little swish along the top. Kinda like the Nike thing...

Willie Baronet said...

jeanette, every time i read that statement about dying far away from florida, I laugh. nice drawing! i'm assuming you mean this is a total waste of time?

Anonymous said...

How come even your squiggly line buttons look better than mine! Dang!!