22 April 2007

Seeing the Sights

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Montreal

The trip was colder than expected.


pati said...

Haha... I just wrote an entry about Montreal, and your is the first I saw this week from IF's contributions :)

I love your illo, Jeannette, I find it very Escher, but darker ;)

° said...

at least ur honest about ur discourse:) and nice line drawing

Michelle Lana said...

awesome illo!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

A very nice drawing!

d said...

fantastic as always j.

Jonathan said...

Love your quote. It is soooo balmy and sunny here now. I've been out in the back yard in a short sleeve shirt trying to tame the vines and running inside as soon as i uncover a bumble bee. Did you know that queen bumble bees hibernate about 10 centimetres under the soil? And they can sting more than once. Yeah, i was wondering why i was uncovering to many bees. Thanks Wikipedia!

Jonathan said...

backyard. or courtyard? I don't know what to call it. By the way, i didn't get the job at the Co-op. Maybe one day someone will want me

tusen said...

I really like your style.

Sycla said...

The layout of the whole page is superb. It's part of a book.

Excellent work, once again!