02 May 2008

Fukuoka Yatai

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog yatai Fukuoka

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog yatai Fukuoka

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog yatai Fukuoka

Drawings from Fukuoka. Click to view decent quality.

Read about my trip, here.


suzanne cabrera said...

These are SO good. I especially like the top one and how you show your sketchbook. I feel like I'm right there with you!

Anonymous said...

you inspire me.
Love, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

These are great!!!! It's awesome to see that you're still drawing. It's not awesome that I wasn't there to draw with you. Hopefully we can draw together soon..