09 May 2007

My Best Isnt Good Enough!

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

I got sick of my Moleskine so while I was in Montreal I bought a new small notebook for work. The paper is thinner and less intimidating. I dont have much downtime at my job (with all the scanning and bagging I have to do). These are the quick scribbles I can get in every now and then.

EDIT: They arent really quotes, they're more like obsessive thoughts I repeat in my head over and over until I write them down and move on to the next one.


jennifer m. lee said...

Moleskine is super intimidating haha i hate it that it bleeds... cause then u totally see the impression of the other side of the paper! gar..

but awesome blurbs, i love quickies with people and their conversations, weird shit.

you gonna rock at bagging and scanning!!!

ghost said...

very nice. theres something brutally honest about sketchbooks isnt there?

Alexiev said...

Good blog... Your pen is cool...

Frederik Jurk said...

While I really like your portraits, I love your little quoted-from-life sketches and cartoons even more. It somehow shows more of you, without revealing anything. Or something.

I dropped sketchbooks entirely, mainly because it´s too hard to scan in from one and they are much more expensive than a stack of copy paper. Sometimes I miss the feeling of a worn-out sketchbook with stumped edges, though.

Alexievs avatar is moving his eyes. - that´s creepy.

Jonathan said...

Nice Jeannette. I love this.

Creepy about alexiev's avatar. Did you notice that my head bobs in mine?

Jonathan said...

How long and hard did you look until you realised i was lying?