31 May 2007


Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Skowl Wuzzle

Me & my favorite stuffed animal, "Skowl" from The Wuzzles


Maarit said...

Cute! I love the simplicity and the limited colour pallette.

Now I can't get this song out of my head..

Anonymous said...

His ears are gone

Steve said...

I dare say all the comments are going to sound a bit IFish here, but I can only add to them by saying that this pic brought a tear to my eye. But that's the way I am at the moment...

My childhood stuffed toy is called Piggy (knitted by my Mother's friend, filled with old stockings). I still have her, keep her in my cupboard. Very cruel.

Steve said...

I keep the toy in my cupboard.

Not my mother's friend, I hasten to add.

Frederik Jurk said...

It IS very cute, indeed!

The only toy from my childhood I still have around here is my little plastic dinosaurs, but his tail is to pointy to take him to bed with me...

red-handed said...

I see 'Skowl' is slowly inching his way over ...

Willie Baronet said...

That is a riot! I like the bedspread. :-)

biteyourowntail said...

Skowl has the look of a toy on the move to me...you could submit this for 'your paradise', if you were so inclined.

ghost said...

i love that song

red-handed said...

I wish that blanket was on fire.

Steve said...

Still liking this.

Blake Himsl Hunter said...
