29 May 2007

the dashboard melted

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

singing Modest Mouse's "Dashboard"


Unknown said...

youre driving on the wrong side of car!!!

Vhrsti said...

Hello Jeannette! I love your works here. Simply perfect!

biteyourowntail said...

clearly you are in the UK - like the style and you are clearly way more skilled in marker use than I am!

Anonymous said...

but you still have the radio

josh pincus is crying said...

obviously you are in the United Kingdom. Or you are waiting in the car, in the passenger's seat, for someone who drove to com back from an errand. And you are firmly holdiong on to your purse handle. Or shopping bag. I love your drawings!

Nicole Florian said...

Funny! The comments funny too!

Michelle Lana said...

haha...great drawing!

simon wild said...

Your'e driving on the right side of the car where I come from. Love your work xx

Janice Ykema said...

good thing if is international.... doesnt matter what side of the road you drive on.... *grin*
Love the style...

Steve said...

Hey, what happened to your boobs in this picture. You're boobless? Very worrying.

° said...

nothing like sing to the radio or ur fav cd while drivin down the road great illo

Frederik Jurk said...

Not only are you boobless and (appearently) driving on the wrong side of the road, but you also lack arms!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that song!