31 May 2007


Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Skowl Wuzzle

Me & my favorite stuffed animal, "Skowl" from The Wuzzles

29 May 2007

the dashboard melted

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

singing Modest Mouse's "Dashboard"

27 May 2007

22 May 2007

You're Invited

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Last night I threw myself a pity party.

20 May 2007


Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Only one person knows what's inside.

18 May 2007


Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Cowboydog
click image for larger view

Cowboydog Illustration
cowboydog's drawing of me

No, he isnt a dog with a hat. This is Cowboydog (or Baggelboy). He puts all our drawings to shame, and is the subject of my sixth Portrait Swap.

17 May 2007


Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Goblin Mushroom
click for larger view

This is an old painting. The goblins are supposed to be pissed off because they wanted to eat some fairies for dinner, not mushrooms.

This one is available as a postcard, in my card shop.

I have the next five days off from my soul-stomping-spirit-crushing job, so Im sure fresh material is on the way, no more re-runs!

14 May 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Mother's Day

The card I made for my mom may not be as good as Steve's, but as they say it's the thought that counts.

And Mom, if youre reading this (which isnt likely), sorry the card hasnt arrived yet. I dont have your address.

13 May 2007

Victim Five

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
my drawing of steve. click for larger view.

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
steve's drawings of me.

Another Portrait Party. This time with Steve Patton.

11 May 2007

Pancake Chefs

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog Pancakes

I drew this one morning while at IHOP with the Paper Sluts.

10 May 2007

Press the GREEN button... please.

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
Sitting in my attic.

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
I was writing a song to annoy co-workers with.

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
I dont know what this is.

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
Working out the features of my new comic character, using my reflection in the grocery scanner.

09 May 2007

My Best Isnt Good Enough!

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

I got sick of my Moleskine so while I was in Montreal I bought a new small notebook for work. The paper is thinner and less intimidating. I dont have much downtime at my job (with all the scanning and bagging I have to do). These are the quick scribbles I can get in every now and then.

EDIT: They arent really quotes, they're more like obsessive thoughts I repeat in my head over and over until I write them down and move on to the next one.

06 May 2007

No Tounge Tongue

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
my drawing of switch

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog
switch's drawings of me

Switchsky, my northern neighbor, and I exchanged portraits. This is my fourth swap. Ive also been trading the portraits in the mail afterward, which is fun fun.

Edit: See The Portrait Party for info on this game.

Rate my Evil

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

From an actual conversation with Liz.

05 May 2007

End of an Era

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

I thought I should design this, just in case.

02 May 2007

Dry Mouth

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

My third Portrait Swap. This one was between me and Steve. He is the one who brought you my idea for Illustration Friday Night.

Remember! When participating in a portrait swap via the internet there are a few things you should keep in mind when taking your reference photo.
  1. Use strong directional lighting. It helps me see the planes of your mug. Natural daylight through a window works best. Get away from your computer screen, the blue glare does not count.
  2. Get your whole head in the shot. Do not skim the top of your head or your chin.
  3. Try to take high resolution photos and minimize the blurriness. If this means you have to get back on your meds to get rid of your shakes do it!
  4. Do not send me nudes. Jesus.

01 May 2007

More Saliva

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

Darryl and I drew each other. He considers me to be evil, and I have to agree.

Portrait Parties are sweeping the internet. Join us.

Productivity at Peak

Jeannette Langmead Illustration Sketchblog

So the other day I was walking around in the town forest and I found a spot to stack some rocks. Stacking rocks is one of my top three favorite things to do. I feel like I made quite an impressive tower and I wanted to remember it. I didnt bring my digital camera and my cell phone isnt high tech enough to take pictures, so I sat for a while and sketched it out. Sketching is also one of my top three favorite things to do. The tower is probably a little taller than me, and Im pretty short.

This is my 30th IF.